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E-book: "Wang Xiangzhai Discusses the Essence of Martial Art Science" Revised Transla

E-book: "Wang Xiangzhai Discusses the Essence of Martial Art Science" Revised Transla

E-book: "Wang Xiangzhai Discusses the Essence of Martial Art Science" Publisher's Description

"Wang Xiangzhai Discusses the Essence of Martial Art Science" is a compilation of series of long interviews with Mr. Wang Xiangzhai, from two Beijing newspapers published in 1940. Wang answers questions about Yiquan (Dachengquan) and martial art science (the study of martial art beyond styles), as well as various styles of martial arts, discussing combat and health preservation, practice and theory, and the philosophy of Zen and Taoism as it relates to martial art and life. Wang also gives valuable advice and critique to the practitioners of numerous martial arts, such as Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Tongbiquan, etc. [PDF, 33 A4-size pages]

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